Wednesday, May 31

100 squared

Well, it is that time of year again when we enter what we lovingly refer to as the "100 days of 100"... degrees, that is.
The triple digit temps will hang around for the next 5 months, which can seem a lifetime to those not used to the heat.
There are other places with high heat indexes as well, but what makes it so interesting (read horrorifying) here it the single digit Humidity.
You all know the old chestnut... "it's a dry heat"... which sounds wonderful till you think about it in real trems.
it's like saying the "dry heaves" are better than those other porcelain hugging versions. NOT!

We, or rather I , do miss the moisture this time of year.
The Monsoons seem so far away that they may never actually reach here, not with you still among the living anyway.
We do get a sort of simulated rain which should be here in a few weeks. This is not as plesent as it sounds either.

What we get is rain-like sounds while driving around town.

Neat, I hear you say... not so grasshopper.
What you hear is the asphalt liquifying beneeth your wheels!
Ever so much fun to clean off the car later.

but what the heck, it ia a close to water as we get out here, and we are thankful for it!