Monday, January 15

How Cold Was It? Well when I was a kid...

you sons and daughters of the tundra will doubtless be nonplussed, but last night we had an overnight low temp of 20 degrees.
Now I know that in your world this is a balmy winter days high.
But here in the Great Desert 20 Degrees is all but unheard of!

To add insult to injury,our heater refused to come on this morning.
It has happened a few times previously, but last night was NOT the time for a repeat performance.
And it may be the height of IRONY, but It seems that when it gets cold, the heater doesn’t want to work.
Go figure!
Oh it will eventually decide to come back to life, like that story your mother insists on telling anyone you bring to her house, but not until it gets to a reasonable temp outside.
This is perhaps a flaw of the manufacturers making as these units sit on top of the roof, exposed to all the lovely elements.

perhaps If it was tucked safe and warm inside the house like the heaters in most locations it would be a tad less finicky.
I know that I myself would be more inclined towards functionality if I was warm and cozy in my house.
Heavy sigh.

I am having trouble typing today as it was 60 or so Degrees this morning when I woke up… IN THE HOUSE! This meant temps of low 50’s in my office.
you try walking around on Tile floors at that temp first thing in the morning.

I am sitting here with a coat on, wearing my UUGS and gloves trying to type.
Don’t try this at home, I am a trained unProfessional.


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